Thursday, November 15, 2012

Here’s Why I Did It

Why did I brand myself The Fat Chick Who Figured It Out?

Because something that’s seemingly new has recently come down the pike. Baffled medical authorities are calling it “the obesity paradox.”

What is it? It’s irrefutable proof that fat and fit are not necessarily mutually exclusive conditions – just as I reported a decade and a half ago in my books. Both No Fat Chicks: How Women Are Brainwashed To Hate Their Bodies and Spend Their Money (Canadian edition) and No Fat Chicks: How Big Business Makes Women Hate Their Bodies – And How To Fight Back (U.S. edition).

Both my books are replete with studies – some of them decades-old – proving that some extra weight is actually advantageous for patients with such chronic diseases as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and high blood pressure.

Too few people were prepared to believe this back then. They chose to stick with the knee-jerk belief that fat people just naturally die sooner than others. But recently so much corroboration has come from new studies that basically repeated what I reported, that many health and medical professionals are finally reconsidering their former assumptions.

Especially eye-opening was a decade-long study of 11,000 Canadians, which concluded that moderately overweight participants have the lowest chance of dying from any condition.

And that, dear readers, is why I branded myself The Fat Chick Who – well, now you know the rest.